Now more than ever, organisations need teams of people who can think critically
and divergently about what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and how it’s getting
Increasing complexity, uncertainties, and challenges have brought links between
psychological characteristics and organizational behaviours to the foreground, par-
ticularly after the COVID-19 pandemic in which the world of work has had to adapt
quickly to big changes. Teams are under pressure to reconfigure their ways of
working, making an agile approach to team dynamics more important than ever.
When people feel comfortable asking for help, sharing suggestions informally, or
challenging the status quo without fear of negative social consequences, organiza-
tions are more likely to innovate quickly, unlock the benefits of diversity, and adapt
well to change - Ollintel Ltd and Dr. Igor Menezes of the University of Hull busi-
ness school collected data during the pandemic which confirms that only a hand-
ful of business teams regularly demonstrate the positive behaviours that can instil
this climate of psychological safety, growth mindset and connectedness in their
Oliver Hibbert with the help of Dr Igor Menezes has created Agile Team Dynamics
™ to help individuals, teams, and organisations to realize their full potential. People
are the essence of organizations, and we believe in their commitment, develop-
ment, and contribution. And we also believe in numbers: building performance
using statistically proven techniques that have been shown to work. Psychological
safety, growth mindset and connectedness relate to the basic feelings, behaviours
and experiences that really impact team collaboration and performance. And they
are measurable.
What's measured improves
It matters
It matters
MCKINSEY - five fifty
is it safe?
why a growth mindset is key to
organizational agility and success
FORBES - outperform with a
growth mindset culture
HBR.ORG - how companies
can profit from a growth mindset
HBR.ORG - how companies
can profit from a growth mindset
It is hard to overstate the organisational impact of psychological safety, growth
mindset and connectedness, when these three drivers work together. And it is
hard to overstate how they affect individuals’ success in navigating situations,
relationships, and careers. Amy Edmondson – Carol Dweck and Igor Menezes
know a thing or two after 30 years research and data gathering, so we can agree
that Psychological Safety, Growth mindset and Connectedness matter a lot.
The ATD™ gives you important qualitative and quantitative information on how
teams in your organisation work together and concrete suggestions on how to
enhance that.
The ATD™ full report provides you with awareness of your team’s strengths and
areas for improvement with suggestions on how to develop further and to improve
The more members of your organisation you involve, the richer the feedback you
will get about the performance of your organisation - on what is working well and
what could work better.
The questionnaire is completely anonymous and to guarantee privacy the user-
name is created by the participant and known only to them - Our questionnaire
collects the responses, without linking to the individual usernames.
Research from the field
What matters most in determining team per-
formance is the quality of interactions
between team members, not the characteris-
tics of individual members.
Studies identify three crucial elements:
Psychological safety: safety to learn, to chal-
lenge and to be different within the team.
Growth Mindset: collective learning, outsight
and resilience within the team.
Connectedness: identification, loyalty and
helping behaviours within the team.
How does Agile Team Dynamics™work?
The ATD™ is based on 30 years of international
experience in human development: we want to
help individuals to be the best they can be, to
get the best out of the other people they work
with and to give their best to the organisation
they work for.
The ATD™ is a unique tool on the market and is
a great opportunity to get real feedback on the
performance of teams in different areas of your
The ATD™ also draws on cutting-edge data col-
lection and psychological research and statisti-
cally proven approaches to improving team
The ATD™ measures the enablers of agile team-
work and allows you to measure team perfor-
mance, to identify how to improve it,
and to open up areas for development.
For the first time, the ATDexplores the correlation between these three elements
and provides a practical tool for assessing the Agile Performance of the teams
inside your organisation.
Organisations that measure and grow the three elements of the ATD™ enjoy real
competitive advantages.
Agility - they are more adaptable in times of change.
Cohesion - they unify around the same goals.
Efficiency - they do more in less time.
Empowerment - they concentrate effort to produce a genuinely
empowered organisation.
Innovation - they can innovate and adapt even within a hybrid
working model.
Resilience - they handle setbacks better.
Retention - they retain talent longer.
Some benefits of using the ATD™
Innovation of the ATD™
Designed by Amedeo Nicodemo
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